Finally! The solution for better health, happiness and how to find peace, joy and contentment in fulfilling God’s unique purpose for your life...
even if you’ve tried and failed before, or you feel hopeless that things could never change.

You're about to discover...

  • ​The missing keys that unlock God’s purpose and passion in your life…
  • ​How to grow closer to the Lord and start living your best life; no longer feeling like life is passing you by…
  • ​How to skyrocket your health and wellness efforts from here on out (Pssst…it’s already hidden in God’s Word, but we just need to know where to find it and how to apply it effectively)
  • How to wield the power of your tongue to speak life over yourself and others, to break free from the lies and strongholds the enemy has had on you for years, maybe decades…
  • No matter what age you are, or how long you’ve been a Christian, God always has something new for you to learn, grow and experience Him in deeper and more powerful ways. Your journey is far from over. In fact, it’s about to take an incredible turn…

If you've ever struggled to truly feel God's peace and presence, to experience the full benefits and blessings of being His daughter, if you're tired of working so hard just to fail again, and you're afraid you'll never break free from the enemy's grip; then you're about to read the most important page you'll ever read. 

Here's why...

You cannot let God's purpose for your life pass you by…

We cannot know what tomorrow holds. What you do today affects tomorrow and ripples out to touch those you love and has a direct impact on your future.

If you know you're not living your best life--no matter what age you are--how much longer are you willing to wade through a mediocre existence? 

When Jesus died to give you life-- abundantly! (John 10:10)

If fear wins, you lose…

What kind of fear has you in it's relentless grip? It can be little or big, but all fear is a lie and a tactic from the enemy to keep you from God's best.

Is it fear of rejection, failure, success, shame, embarrassment, other's opinions, unacceptance? Or something else?

What is this fear stealing from you? How long are you willing to sacrifice life's fun, joy and blessing?

The battle is real. But you have a powerful part to play…

You may be tempted to downplay the spiritual battle and warfare going on around you. That is another one of the enemy's biggest lies.

The battle is real. But so is God's power. He's given you mighty weapons so that you will be victorious and walk in victory in Jesus. (Ephesians 6)

It's time to take this war seriously. And God is on your side. But you must choose how you will respond.

Tomorrow is not guaranteed, but today can be the beginning of change.

My story
"I failed...again!"

Talking about your failures is never something you really like to do, but it's such a significant part of my story that I believe will help you, I think it's necessary to share. 

The blessing is that out of my pain and embarrassment God has birthed something wonderful, and I know He will do the same for you.

Have you ever been in a place where you've tried and failed so many times you think you'll never be free of the struggle? 

That's where I was back in 2014.

I hated what I saw in the mirror and had become a mean tyrant in my own head. My thoughts had become my prison and even though I had grown up knowing and loving God, my body had become my dictator--and my savior.

I thought I finally figured it out!

I had always been active in school and college, so I never had to care much about what I ate or how much I exercised. But "life happened" and after 10 years of marriage and moving to start my own business, I soon became disgusted by what I saw in the mirror and hated seeing myself in pictures.

A friend had begun promoting a new weight loss program so I jumped on board and went "all in." I had finally found the solution to all of my problems.

And I was thin again!

But then my worst fear came true…

What you don't know about that picture is that although I'm smiling on the right, thinking life was good again, I was never truly happy, and never satisfied.

I thought I had it all figured out now, but something wasn't quite right and I slowly started to put the weight back on. I just couldn't stick to the strict food regimen and it was too expensive to maintain.

It just wasn't realistic.

And the weight started coming back on. I was devastated and felt like a fraud, and I felt helpless to make it stop.

Maybe you’ve felt like me…

Have you ever felt that way? Or been embarrassed when you thought you had it all figured out or solved, but then began to go backwards?

  • What will my family and friends think?
  • ​What will they say?
  • ​How can I be taken seriously now?
  • ​I'm weak-willed, worthless and will never succeed.
  • ​How can God (or anyone) love me now, after I've messed everything up?
  • ​I'll never overcome this.
  • ​I guess I'm doomed to be stuck forever.
  • ​I should just give up.
But then, something unexpected started happening…

I was ready for the nasty self-deprecating tyrant to pop back in my head once I started gaining the weight back, but much to my surprise.......crickets.

I wasn't making snide comments, or saying mean things when I looked at myself naked in the mirror. I wasn't judging and scrutinizing myself and others at meal time.

Something had changed!

I finally discovered the missing piece…

A few weeks later, as I was treating one of my patients in my office, God spoke to my heart.

He said in essence, "They're missing what you were missing. More of me."

He revealed to me that on my journey of losing the weight, I had also begun seeking Him more. Learning to surrender more. To obey and submit more. 

He had been working on my heart.

And that's what made all the difference.

I had been focused on the wrong things…

In my obsession to "get thin again" I had allowed my body image to become my god. I thought that if I met my goal weight, everything else would be perfect. In essence, I had taken God off the throne of my heart and it was time He was put back in His rightful place.

All God is after is our heart. Our allegiance. Our undivided attention.

He wants to shower us with His blessings, goodness, presence, peace and love, but we are the ones who are seeking those things in other people, other places and in ourselves.

No wonder I couldn't keep the weight off. I had the wrong motivation and the wrong self-centered approach the whole time.

Our life, and our health, are so much greater than our outer appearance.

To start living in your full purpose, these three key elements must all be nurtured…

In that moment God revealed to me how He truly created us:

Mind, Body and Spirit, all working together.

If we neglect one, the others suffer. If we nurture one, they all improve.

But we cannot view our health as our physical body only.

Thus Fit+Faith was born.

A few years later, I learned another critical lesson...

I was so grateful God had delivered me from the judgemental, critical, self-hating, never-satisfied, body-idolizing, unforgiving person I had become.

I felt so free. So able to love myself and others.

But more important lessons were on their way.

Over the years I had buried myself in my work. Being a business owner, creating a good reputation, serving my community--all good and noble things--but I had been sacrificing some key elements of a healthy spiritual life.

I had disconnected from a church family and was no longer serving in ways I had always been accustomed to. Like singing in the choir and praise team, being involved in missions work, participating in weekly Bible studies and small groups. No longer using my gifts and talents to serve my church and others.

I had sacrificed everything for the sake of making my business profitable.

And now it was taking a toll...

I literally felt like my soul was dying...

Like it was shriveling up like a raisin and soon would be unrecognizable and hard as a rock.

My moods were changing too. I was feeling increasingly depressed, anxious, overwhelmed, tired, irritable, critical, and pessimistic.

This was not me at all. What had happened?!

Something HAD to change.

I felt so desperate to nurture and feed my soul again that I would do anything to feel "normal" again. "Human" again.

I sought the Lord for repentance in being so selfish and single-minded in sacrificing everything for the sake of business and financial gain, and asked Him to reveal how I could remedy this pain in my heart and soul.

He told me to return to what my soul loved best: singing.

If you're not plugged into what brings you JOY, there will be dire consequences...

Immediately I took action.

I called a friend who I knew loved her church, and the very next Sunday my husband and I attended with the express intent that we would find ways to be involved.

And I knew I had to sing.

I met the worship leader on that first Sunday morning, and the very next week I was on stage singing and leading in the praise team.

We felt immediately at home. Why had we disconnected for so long?

Overnight my countenance changed.

Joy, laughter, smiles, hugs, warmth, happiness all began returning.

My thirsty soul couldn't get enough. It was soaking it all in and praising God for His patience, forgiveness, faithfulness and love.

I could feel the healing and restoration taking place where I had neglected it for so long. So many new avenues of creativity, life, excitement and joy were bubbling up.

I've learned that above all, your heart is the key...

"My son, pay attention to what I say;
    turn your ear to my words.
Do not let them out of your sight,
    keep them within your heart;
for they are life to those who find them
    and health to one’s whole body.
Above all else, guard your heart,
    for everything you do flows from it."

- Proverbs 4:20-23 -

To unlock your ultimate purpose, your heart must be nurtured, healed and growing in the Lord...

Over the years God has been working on my heart and in my identity found in Him alone. 

> In my physical health journey that's why that mean, criticizing voice in my head didn't come back after I had put the weight back on. God freed me from that prison.

God is more concerned about your internal heart-state than your outer appearance. He sees through to your precious heart.

> In my spiritual health journey that's why when I began nurturing my soul and getting plugged back into a church family. Using my spiritual gifts of singing and serving restored the joy that was missing and abundant life as come back to me.

Once you begin seeking God for deeper healing for all the things that are contributing to your angst and pain and your inability to get rid of the negative voices in your own head. As those areas begin healing by His love and the truth of His Word, new beginnings and new possibilities start opening for you.

But it must be intentional. It must be nurtured.

It happens when you begin to surrender and seek the Lord for deeper revelation and healing, and you have an insatiable appetite for wanting to experience the best life God has in store you.

God has taken all of my life-lessons and given me the roadmap to pass onto you. 

The Holy Spirit has given me the exact process to unlock your identity in Christ, your health, and your healed heart.

- Introducing -

The Heart-First Health™ 
Transformation Program

A self-paced program to help you break free in your health, life and purpose like never before 
— starting with your heart.


Our Signature 8-step Process to Greater Healing, Health and Joy...

* 100% Biblically-based and anchored in scripture *

Session 1: Discovering Your True Identity in Christ
  • Your Identity is Complete in Christ: Your transformation begins with your understanding and stepping into your true, God-given identity.
  • God vs. The World: As we begin turning from the identity the world wants to give us, and into the identity God has given us, it is the beginning of freedom.
Session 2: The Power of Service & Living From True Joy
  • Discovering Your 'Joy Tank': Your unique combination of your spiritual gifts, talents, passions and experiences
  •  The Blessing of Service: Learning the unexpected joy in giving and serving and discovering ways to serve others that actually increase your joy and multiply it back to you.
Session 3: Wisdom & The Taming of Your Tongue
  • Diving deep into Proverbs: We discover who Wisdom really is. How to find her and the benefit and blessings she holds for our lives. 
  •  The Four Tongues: Proverbs teaches and warns about 4 different "tongues". Our tongue holds the power of life and death, and we have a responsibility with how we wield it.
Session 4: The Power of Healthy Community & Relationships
  • The Importance of Community: Jesus modeled for us the importance of community and we need it in various forms for a healthy and nourished spirit.
  •  The Power of Relationships: Our deepest relationship starts with God, and from there the quality of relationships we nurture has vital affects on our effectiveness and vitality.
Session 5: Guarding Your Heart
  • What Builds & Protects: There are vital things in our life that will build a solid protection and defense from the fiery arrows of our enemy.
  •  What Breaks & Weakens: There are many wall-breakers that we must tear down from our life which weakens the power the enemy may try to wield over us.
Session 6: Stewardship of Your Health & Blessings
  • Steward vs Owner: God is the owner, we are his stewards. As we begin to acknowledge and live this truth, it is the beginning of freedom and intimacy in our relationship with God.
Session 7: Renewal and Transformation of Your Mind
  • Take Every Thought Captive: We are commanded to renew our minds in Christ, but if we are not careful, other people and motives will be shaping our mind away from God's truth.
  • Renewal In Creation: God has given us a beautiful design in his creation that is constantly renewing, changing and growing. And we are a part of that divine process.
Session 8: Bountiful Overflow
  • God's Blessing of Overflow: God's mercy and abundance should flow from us, but what is the strength and quality of it? As we grow and transform by God's love, our Overflow increases and becomes a source of blessing and testimony of God's goodness to others.

See what these Ladies are saying...

"It's just the first week and I’ve already seen changes in my spirit. 

Meaning my outlook on things, and my husband has made comments that confirm these positive changes. My work outlook is better and I’m in a better mood there and my marriage is strengthening. Most importantly my relationship with the Word is growing more and more."

~Jenifer S.
"The biggest impact for me has been understanding who my identity is -- and it is not in people, it is in God. God loves me. 

I don't need to seek the love of people because God already loves me. I do not need to seek acceptance from people because God accepts me. And I do not need to seek approval from people because I'm approved by the Lord."

~Jayme K.
"I needed something like this to show me how it all relates to one another and what is in my heart flows out to all things. I’ve Loved this training, I’m motivated by it and have and will refer other ladies to come check it out!"

~Abby S.
"Through this program I have been reminded my whole heart needs to be healthy to be healthy on the outside. Thanks to the Heart First Health™ program I realized my weight loss journey is not just cutting calories but making my whole heart complete."

~Laura J.
Watch Nancy's Video

"It's about who you are, and whose you are.
Who God designed you to be. It's not a final destination, but a journey.
On the way, your heart is nourished, changed and challenged.

And it is definitely full to overflowing."

Why should you trust me?

  • I don't just lead it, I live it. I've taken everything God has given me--my passions, gifts, talents, education, training--and turned it into what God shows me will serve other women like you. I want to see God's Kingdom grow, and for women to break free from any ties that bind. Jesus wants us to live life abundantly!
  • I have a proven track record. Over the past 5 years, working with thousands of women around the world, I've built a reputation that is confirmed by hundreds of testimonials and positive reviews -- whether it's my Healthy Christian Women podcast, my online programs like BeautifulYOU™ or Heart-First Health™, my live workshops and retreats -- you will find the same report:  That I love the Lord and have helped and inspired them using my spiritual gifts, talents and education. I'm the real deal.
  • I love the Lord and would never disgrace His name. I've been blessed to grow up in a Christian home, with generations before me who set a Godly example. My great-grandparents were both Ministers and I've had a personal relationship with Jesus from a young age. Am I perfect? No. ;) But I'm washed by the blood of the Lamb and do my best to honor and surrender to God's leading in my life. Everything I do is to honor Him and point you closer to Him.
  • ~Dr. Melody
"The Lord did amazing things in my heart...and it's just beginning.
It's something you continue to work through. It's like peeling off
layers of an onion for your healing.

The community I had with the other women was the greatest part
of it. We were close-knit, we shared our hearts, and I was 
blessed to be a part of it."

Your Purchase Is Secure With Dr. Melody's Rock-Solid, No Questions Asked, Money-Back Guarantee

You can rest easy with our 100% unconditional money-back guarantee...but we don’t stop there.

We’re so confident that you will love our Heart-First Health program that if you participate in all of the lessons, complete each heart-work assignment and stay involved in the Facebook support group throughout the four weeks and you're still not convinced it was a life-changing journey, then we’ll refund every penny without question or hassle. 

It’s super easy, too.

Just email our office at and we’ll process your refund the very same day. Within 5-10 business days you’ll have your money back in your bank account and you can continue to enjoy the rest of the book on us! There are no forms to fill out, no questionnaires to answer, just one simple email and money back in your bank. Voila!
It doesn't get any easier than that.

We take your spiritual growth very seriously. 
Dr. Melody is not called the “Health and Hope Motivator” for nothing. 
At Fit+Faith we want to see you grow in your mental, physical and spiritual health, and this program is our most powerful resource yet to help you do exactly that.

 You can't go wrong joining women around the world who have trusted  Dr. Melody to lead them closer to the Lord and support their faith-walk, firsthand.

In no time, you too will be experiencing more peace, confidence, contentment and joy as you grow in your identity in Christ within this program. Stepping into the security of knowing how much your Creator loves, accepts, redeems and heals you is priceless.

With our no-hassle, risk-free, 100% money back guarantee  you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Join us today.

More praise for Heart-First Health™...
Anyone can break their old chains and negative mindsets and start living life to the fullest through the Heart-First Health™ program. I've shown you how it's changed my life and the lives of many others, at all different ages and stages of life, and it will work for you too.

And you know with my 100% money-back guarantee you are completely protected and safe to take this next step.

It worked for us, and it will work for you, too.

Here's the truth you probably already know. To get different results, you need to take different actions. If you feel that something is missing and you don't know what it is, that you're not yet living your best life and time is passing you by, that you know God has more for you but you don't know how to tap into it, now is your time.

This is the program that will take you there. 

But don't worry. We're doing everything together--live--instead of pre-recorded, so that I will be with you every step of the way. Taking your hand, praying with you, and leading you into new levels of intimacy, clarity and passion for the life God has given you and all that's ahead of you.

Don't let this moment and this opportunity pass you by.

Let's step into the best upcoming four weeks of your life--together.
It's time to step into more purpose, passion and power as a Daughter of the King.

Choose Your Option and Get Started Today.

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